boiler room

[ˈbɔɪlə ru:m]
  • 释义
  • 锅炉房,锅炉间;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I happened to meet him in the boiler room.


  • 2、

    Demolition is almost complete on the old auto shop, boiler room, and maintenance area.

    旧汽车商店, 锅炉房, 维修区的拆迁已接近完成.

  • 3、

    It provides a useful method of noise elimination for an industrial boiler room.


  • 4、

    Never in the boiler room storage of flammable materials of any kind.


  • 5、

    They use electricity to heat water, so their boiler room is a smokeless room.

    他们用电烧水, 所以他们的锅炉房是个无烟房间.

  • 6、

    I walk down the highway, and enter the compound behind the boiler room.

    我走过公路, 从锅炉工翻墙的地方进入了小区.

  • 7、

    The boiler room provides access to a lab where Stahl's rocket research Is continuing.


  • 8、

    When they got in the boiler room they were almost stifled by the heat.


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